Welcome to the ReduxPY documentation!

Implementation of a Redux store with support for adding feature modules, dynamically. The store exposes a reactive API based on RxPY.

class redux.Action(type: str, payload: Any)

Action implementation that takes a payload

payload: Any

The action action payload

type: str

Identifier for the action, must be globally unique.


The central part of internal API.

This represents a generic version of type ‘origin’ with type arguments ‘params’. There are two kind of these aliases: user defined and special. The special ones are wrappers around builtin collections and ABCs in collections.abc. These must have ‘name’ always set. If ‘inst’ is False, then the alias can’t be instantiated, this is used by e.g. typing.List and typing.Dict.

alias of Callable[[rx.core.observable.observable.Observable, rx.core.observable.observable.Observable], rx.core.observable.observable.Observable]


The central part of internal API.

This represents a generic version of type ‘origin’ with type arguments ‘params’. There are two kind of these aliases: user defined and special. The special ones are wrappers around builtin collections and ABCs in collections.abc. These must have ‘name’ always set. If ‘inst’ is False, then the alias can’t be instantiated, this is used by e.g. typing.List and typing.Dict.

alias of Callable[[StateType, redux._internal.types.Action], StateType]

class redux.ReduxFeatureModule(id: str, reducer: Optional[Callable[[StateType, redux._internal.types.Action], StateType]], epic: Optional[Callable[[rx.core.observable.observable.Observable, rx.core.observable.observable.Observable], rx.core.observable.observable.Observable]], dependencies: Iterable[ReduxFeatureModule])

Defines the feature module. The ID identifies the section in the state and is also used to globally discriminate features.

After instantiating a feature store the store will fire an initialization action for that feature. Use of_init_feature() to register for these initialization actions.

dependencies: Iterable[redux._internal.types.ReduxFeatureModule]

Dependencies on other feature modules

epic: Optional[Callable[[rx.core.observable.observable.Observable, rx.core.observable.observable.Observable], rx.core.observable.observable.Observable]]

Epic that handles module specific asynchronous operations.

id: str

Identifier of the module, will also be used as a namespace into the state.

reducer: Optional[Callable[[StateType, redux._internal.types.Action], StateType]]

Reducer that handles module specific actions.

class redux.ReduxRootStore(as_observable: Callable[], rx.core.observable.observable.Observable], dispatch: Callable[[redux._internal.types.Action], None], add_feature_module: Callable[[redux._internal.types.ReduxFeatureModule], None], on_next: Callable[[redux._internal.types.Action], None], on_completed: Callable[], None])

Implementation of a store that manages sub-state as features. Features are added to the store automatically, when required by the select method.

add_feature_module: Callable[[redux._internal.types.ReduxFeatureModule], None]

Adds a new feature module

as_observable: Callable[], rx.core.observable.observable.Observable]

Converts the store to an observable of state emissions

dispatch: Callable[[redux._internal.types.Action], None]

Dispatches a single action to the store

on_completed: Callable[], None]

Shuts down the store

on_next: Callable[[redux._internal.types.Action], None]

Alias for dispatch()


Combines a sequence of epics into one single epic by merging them


epics (Iterable[Callable[[Observable, Observable], Observable]]) – the epics to merge

Return type

Callable[[Observable, Observable], Observable]


The merged epic


Creates a new reducer from a mapping of reducers.


reducers (Mapping[str, Callable[[~StateType, Action], ~StateType]]) – the mapping from state partition to reducer

Return type

Callable[[Mapping[str, ~StateType], Action], Mapping[str, ~StateType]]


A reducer that dispatches actions against each of the mapped reducers


Creates a function that produces an action of the given type


type_name (str) – type of the action

Return type

Callable[[~PayloadType], Action]


A function that accepts the action payload and creates the action

redux.create_feature_module(identifier, reducer=None, epic=None, dependencies=())

Constructs a new feature module descriptor

  • identifier (str) – the identifier of the feature

  • reducer (Optional[Callable[[~StateType, Action], ~StateType]]) – optional reducer

  • epic (Optional[Callable[[Observable, Observable], Observable]]) – optional epic

  • dependencies (Iterable[ReduxFeatureModule]) – optional dependencies on other features

Return type



The feature module descriptor


Constructs a new store that can handle feature modules.


initial_state (Optional[Mapping[str, ~StateType]]) – optional initial state of the store, will typically be the empty dict

Return type



An implementation of the store

redux.handle_actions(action_map, initial_state=None)

Creates a new reducer from a mapping of action name to reducer for that action.

  • action_map (Mapping[str, Callable[[~StateType, Action], ~StateType]]) – mapping from action name to reducer for that action

  • initial_state (Optional[~StateType]) – optional initial state used if no reducer matches

Return type

Callable[[~StateType, Action], ~StateType]


A reducer function that handles the actions in the map


Operator to test for the initialization action of a feature


identifier (str) – the identifier of the feature

Return type

Callable[[Observable], Observable]


Operator function that accepts init actions for the feature, once


Returns a reactive operator that filters for actions of the given type


type_name (str) – type of the action to filter for

Return type

Callable[[Observable], Observable]


The filter operator function


Reactive operator that applies a selector and shares the result across multiple subscribers


selector (Callable[[~T1], ~T2]) – the selector function

Return type

Callable[[Observable], Observable]


The reactive operator


Selects the payload from the action


action (Action) – the action object

Return type



the payload of the action

redux.select_feature(identifier, initial_state=None)

Returns a function that returns the feature state from the root state

  • identifier (str) – identifier of the feature

  • initial_state (Optional[~StateType]) – fallback state used if the feature state is not defined

Return type

Callable[[Mapping[str, ~StateType]], Optional[~StateType]]


The selector function